Coding questions and their source code

Depth first search in matrix using recursion
An adjacency matrix is a 2d array representing a graph. The nodes are the headings for the rows and columns ...

Prefix to postfix (2 solutions) – stack and recursion
In mathematics expressions, there are infix, prefix and postfix notations. Infix notation is characterized by the placement of operators between ...

Huffman coding and decoding – Step by step
Huffman coding is an algorithm to generate the binary code based on the frequencies of corresponding characters in the input ...

Autocomplete with trie – Code
Autocomplete is a feature that search box returns the suggestions based on what you have typed. Autocomplete with trie provides ...

Web scraping in Java – Jsoup and selenium
Web scraping is a great way to retrieve data and save the information. with a simple Java web scraping setup, ...

Shortest path and 2nd shortest path using Dijkstra – code
Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm to find the shortest paths between vertices in a graph. It uses greedy technique by ...

Get suggested friends (2 solutions) – DFS and Union Find
Get suggested friends is one of a coding question in social network applications. The data structures for social network is ...

Hierholzer’s algorithm to find an Euler path
An Euler path is a trail in a graph that visits every edge exactly once. Here we use graph data ...

Find K closest points to origin – Compare Time complexity
The K closest problem is to find K closest points to the pointer(0,0) (it is called center or origin). The ...

Shortest path from source to destination in matrix – Code
Shortest path in matrix is to find the shortest distance from the the source to the destination. As you know, ...